Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions - INDOOR® Allergen Analysis Service

Q10 I want to send some dust samples to Indoor Biotechnologies for allergen analysis. How much dust do you need?

A For the analysis lab to analyze for the allergen levels in bulk dust samples, we need 100mg of fine dust. Samples of bulk dust will not be processed if there is less than 30mg of fine dust.

A For air sampling cassettes, the whole filter is extracted with 1ml of PBS extraction solution and the results are reported as ng or μg allergen per filter.

Q11 I would like Indoor Biotechnologies to check the allergen content of my allergen extracts or solutions. What quantity should I send?
A The INDOOR® Allergen Analysis reference lab needs a minimum quantity of 0.5ml of extract.

Q12 I am preparing dust samples for analysis in my laboratory. Do I need to sieve the dust?

A Whether to sieve the dust or not is determined by the quality of the dust. We do not routinely sieve dust collected from beds and soft furnishings. Carpet samples are sieved (e.g. using a No.45 mesh screen, 355um diameter sieve) to separate the fiber and large particles from fine dust. We recommend the use of the MITEST dust collector which greatly reduces the need for sieving dust. After collecting a dust sample using the MITEST dust collector, remove the nylon filter containing the dust sample insert, invert the filter and tap the dust onto a piece of weigh paper. The fine dust falls before the fibers come out of the filter.

Q13 How should dust samples and dust extracts be stored?

A Dust samples prior to extraction should be stored in a dry place at room temperature. Dust extracts should be stored frozen in a -20C freezer.

Q14 What are the procedures for sampling and submitting samples for INDOOR Allergen Analysis Service?

A Please see Collecting Dust Samples and Submitting Dust Samples.

Q15 What method do you recommend for preparation of extracts?

A Please see sample extraction procedures.



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